How to wash my bike properly? | Force

How to wash my bike properly?

When spring arrives, it's time to prepare your bike for the season and look at regular maintenance. One of the most critical tasks is to wash the wheel to remove any residual winter dirt and grime. And while it may seem trivial, there are a few procedures to follow when washing your bike.

To wash your bike correctly, you need a few simple tools and cleaning products to help remove dirt and extend the life of your bike. Start by giving your bike a good wash. Even if you did this before winter (I'm sure some of us forgot), it can still get dust and other dirt on it over the months. You can use our range of cleaners for this. Blue is a basic but effective enough cleaner. Yellow is stronger than blue. Red - cherry is just as strong as yellow but with a nice cherry scent. Green is for e-bikes.

New to our arsenal of cleaning products this year is FORCE BIKE SHAMPOO, which not only washes your bike properly but also leaves a thin protective film on it. So choose the right cleaner, equip yourself with a sponge or brush and then wipe your bike dry with a towel.  And have a look at the video (don't worry there are subtitles) below where Matej shows you what the correct process looks like: